Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Exit Interview - January 2019

1. Comment about your work ethic in this course.
I believe I had an excellent work ethic in this course. I finished all of my assignments on time and to the best of my ability.

2. Which assignments did you enjoy and why?
I really enjoyed the Raft, MineCraft, and Premiere Pro assignments. They allowed me to expand my knowledge in this course, as I have not used or played some of them before. Assignments for Photoshop or SketchUp were not that interesting, as I have already used these programs in my past years of InfoTech. 

3. Which assignments did you struggle with and why?
I struggled only with the SketchUp assignments. The program sometimes was freezing or lagging which was pretty annoying and time-consuming. 

Friday, January 18, 2019

Game Journalism FINAL DAY slideshow

Game Journalism Day 4 - Upgrades

1.What does it do better? This is an axe I ungraded from the stone one to the metal one because it chops down trees faster and has more durability
 2.What's the difference? The difference between the plastic and metal hook is the length I can throw it and how fast it reels back in. It is also much more durable
3.How does this help? The large storage helps more than the small storage because it can hold more items that don't fit in my inventory.

4.Why did you do it? I changed to the metal fishing rod from the wooden one because it is faster to throw and more durable.
5.Was it worth it - why? I upgraded to the large crop plot because then I can plant crops that don't fit into the small or medium crop plots.

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Game Journalism Play 4

1. First 10 steps
  1. Collect debris that is floating by
  2.  Make a cup with  4 pieces of plastic.
  3. Make a water purifier so you can drink fresh water. You need 6 palm leafs, 6 planks, and 4 plastic.
  4. Make sure to grab barrels because they have food sometimes. You can eat the food raw or cook it.
  5. Make a crop lot to plant your crops. For a small one you need 6 planks and 4 rope.
  6. Make a scare crow so birds do not come and steal your crops. For this you need 5 plank, 3 leaves, 3 nails, and 3 plastic.
  7. Make a grill to cook your food so you get more nourishment. You need 6 planks, 1 scrap metal,          and 3 rope
  8. Expand your raft with the building hammer. For this tool you need 4 planks and 2 rope
  9. Make a spear so you can defend your raft from the shark. For this you need 8 planks 3 rope.
 10. Discover islands and other rafts to get items that are not found in barrels or in the ocean.

2. What is the best tool to make for survival? 

The best tool to make for survival is the hook. The hooks allows you to get the debris floating by. Without this tool it would be hard to make any other tool so this is the best tool for surviving.

3.  Your raft to date. What is the best feature on your raft? 
The best feature on my raft is the collection net because I can collect any debris that comes in the way of my raft. I don't have to use the hook as much and I don't have to press "E" on each debris item.

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Game Journalism Day 3 - Build More

Items While Holding a Building Hammer
While holding the building hammer out and pressing down on the right click button on the mouse you can get different building parts such as foundation, roofs, pillars, walls, fences, stairs, and the repair tool for your raft.

Building on Raft

Second Level

A Net

A Research Table

A Crop Plot

Scare Crow

Shark Bait

Foraging on an Island

Monday, January 14, 2019

Game Journalism Play 3

1. What NEW things did you build today?
Today I built a collection net. 

2. How will these NEW things help you play the game (TIPS&TRICKS)?
By building this it will help collect any debris that is missed or that I can't obtain myself because I would be busy doing other objectives.

3. What strategies are you going to try to focus on tomorrow?
Tomorrow I am trying to make a pair of flippers so I can swim faster and be able to forage much quicker underwater.

4. Add a picture of your raft.  
Explain why you built the raft the way you did.

I put my most valuable items in the middle of the rafts so the shark can not bite off any foundation that would destroy the valuables.

Game Journalism Day 2 - Thrive