Friday, September 7, 2018

Friday Post Sept 7, 2018

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1.  What do you already know?
  • I've been in info tech for past two years. Throughout the past two years I have learned how to code on khan academy for basic code.
  •  How to use adobe animate for basic animations. 
  • How to make simple apps using MIT App Inventor
  • I am also experienced in game journalism, two of the games I've done journalism on MineCraft and The Long Dark.
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A video I've done an animation of is Scott Sterling playing VolleyBall.

2.  What do you want to learn?

This year in Info Tech 11, I would like to learn a programming language or a video editing software. I would also like to further my skills in previously learned programs, such as making a game on apps. Doing game journalism would also be interesting.  
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This is one of the games I am interested in.

3.  How will computers fit into your future?

This will fit into my future because it will help with research on school work and for stuff that is needed in an everyday life.  Image result for books
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